19c database upgrade

Oracle 12c to 19c upgrade using AutoUpgrade Method

In this blog, we will see how to upgrade Oracle Database 12c to 19c using AutoUpgrade Tool

What is the AutoUpgrade?

  • The Oracle Database AutoUpgrade utility is a small command-line tool that allows you to upgrade your databases very easily with very little interaction
  • The new AutoUpgrade utility in Oracle 19¢ performs almost 99% of the task by itself, we just have to provide inputs during the initial phase
  • So it performs Prechecks against multiple databases, upgrades multiple databases in one go
  • Also, it does Post upgrade, object recompilation, and time zone up-gradation
  • The only thing you need to provide is a contig file in text format

Which database releases are supported?

  • As a source, the minimum version is Oracle Database onwards

Download the latest auto-upgrade jar file

  • Auto upgrade utility autoupgrade.jar file exists by default under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory of Oracle 19c Home
  • Oracle strongly recommends downloading the latest AutoUpgrade version before doing the upgrade
  • You download the most recent version from MOS Note: 2485487.1  AutoUpgrade Tool
  • Once you download this jar file transfer it to the Server and create a new directory and place this file in that directory

cp -r autoupgrade.jar /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/

Java version:

  • Java version should be 8 or later, which is available by default in Oracle Database homes from release and latest

Create the config file

  • Create New Directory Which will contain your config file and logs
  • mkdir /home/oracle/auto_upgrade_19c

Run Below command to create sample config file which we will use to make final config file.

  • cd /home/oracle/auto_upgrade_19c
  • $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/autoupgrade.jar -create_sample_file_config
  • cp sample_config.cfg prod_db_config.cfg
  • Make necessary changes

Modify the config file according to your env

prddb_config.cfg file should have following entry which specifies source and target database home location and DB name and log locations and other information’s:


Analyze the database using modified config file

Auto upgrade Analyze mode checks your database to see if it is ready for the upgrade. This will reads data from the database and does not perform any updates.

Execute AutoUpgrade in analyze mode with the below syntax:

export ORACLE HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/db_1
export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin

cd /home/oracle/auto_upgrade_19c

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/autoupgrade.jar -config prddb_config.cfg -mode ANALYZE

We can monitor, manage and control the jobs from the autoupgrade console.

  • lsj – to list the jobs
  • status – to show the job status
  • tasks – shows the tasks executing

Crosscheck and verify all logs before proceeding further

Deploy the upgrade and monitor

  • Auto upgrade Deploy mode performs the actual upgrade of the database from pre-upgrade source database analysis to post-upgrade checks.
  • Before starting Deploy make sure you have taken a backup of your database.

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/autoupgrade.jar -config
prod_db_config.cfg -mode DEPLOY

  • Once the upgrade process is started consider monitoring the logs and database alert logs to see the progress of the upgrade. Auto upgrade logs are available under


Once the upgrade finishes crosscheck the below.

select name, open_mode, version, status from v$database, v$instance;

Post-upgrade task

  • Once the upgrade is successful and all testing is done, drop the restore point.
  • Drop the Guaranteed restore point

select name from v$restore_point;
drop restore point restorepoint_name;

  • Change the compatible parameter
  • After the upgrade, the database has to be tested properly before updating the compatible parameter. Once the parameter is updated database cannot be downgraded.

show parameter compatible;
alter system set compatible=’19.0.0′ scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate:
show parameter compatible;

Hope this blog was useful…

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CDB & PDB Manual upgrade 12c to 19c process complete information.


[oracle@localhost admin]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
[oracle@localhost bin]$ pwd
[oracle@localhost bin]$ ./dbupgrade

Argument list for [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/]
For Oracle internal use only A = 0
Run in                       c = 0
Do not run in                C = 0
Input Directory              d = 0
Echo OFF                     e = 1
Simulate                     E = 0
Forced cleanup               F = 0
Log Id                       i = 0
Child Process                I = 0
Log Dir                      l = 0
Priority List Name           L = 0
Upgrade Mode active          M = 0
SQL Process Count            n = 0
SQL PDB Process Count        N = 0
Open Mode Normal             o = 0
Start Phase                  p = 0
End Phase                    P = 0
Reverse Order                r = 0
AutoUpgrade Resume           R = 0
Script                       s = 0
Serial Run                   S = 0
RO User Tablespaces          T = 0
Display Phases               y = 0
Debug              z = 0
Debug              Z = 0 VERSION: []
STATUS: [Production]

/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/orahome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/bin/orabasehome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
catctlGetOraBaseLogDir = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]

Analyzing file /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

Log file directory = [/tmp/cfgtoollogs/upgrade20210309075928]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/tmp/cfgtoollogs/upgrade20210309075928/catupgrd_catcon_31562.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/tmp/cfgtoollogs/upgrade20210309075928/catupgrd*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/tmp/cfgtoollogs/upgrade20210309075928/catupgrd_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

Number of Cpus = 1
Database Name = EUROPE
DataBase Version =
catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdcdbroot_catcon_31562.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdcdbroot*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdcdbroot_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

Log file directory = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944]

PDB Parallel SQL Process Count = [2] is higher or equal to CPU Count = [1]
Concurrent PDB Upgrades defaulting to CPU Count [1]
Parallel SQL Process Count (PDB) = 2
Parallel SQL Process Count (CDB$ROOT) = 4
Concurrent PDB Upgrades = 1
Components in [CDB$ROOT]
Not Installed [APEX EM MGW ODM RAC WK]

Phases [0-107] Start Time:[2021_03_09 08:00:10]
Container Lists Inclusion:[CDB$ROOT] Exclusion:[NONE]
*********** Executing Change Scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:0 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 70s
*************** Catalog Core SQL ***************
Serial Phase #:1 [CDB$ROOT] Files:5 Time: 157s
Restart Phase #:2 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 4s
*********** Catalog Tables and Views ***********
Parallel Phase #:3 [CDB$ROOT] Files:19 Time: 112s
Restart Phase #:4 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
************* Catalog Final Scripts ************
Serial Phase #:5 [CDB$ROOT] Files:7 Time: 69s
***************** Catproc Start ****************
Serial Phase #:6 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 31s
***************** Catproc Types ****************
Serial Phase #:7 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 32s
Restart Phase #:8 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
**************** Catproc Tables ****************
Parallel Phase #:9 [CDB$ROOT] Files:67 Time: 63s
Restart Phase #:10 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
************* Catproc Package Specs ************
Serial Phase #:11 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 150s
Restart Phase #:12 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 3s
************** Catproc Procedures **************
Parallel Phase #:13 [CDB$ROOT] Files:94 Time: 20s
Restart Phase #:14 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:15 [CDB$ROOT] Files:120 Time: 31s
Restart Phase #:16 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 4s
Serial Phase #:17 [CDB$ROOT] Files:22 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:18 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
***************** Catproc Views ****************
Parallel Phase #:19 [CDB$ROOT] Files:32 Time: 42s
Restart Phase #:20 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 4s
Serial Phase #:21 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 17s
Restart Phase #:22 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:23 [CDB$ROOT] Files:25 Time: 180s
Restart Phase #:24 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 3s
Parallel Phase #:25 [CDB$ROOT] Files:12 Time: 117s
Restart Phase #:26 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:27 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:28 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 11s
Serial Phase #:29 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:30 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
*************** Catproc CDB Views **************
Serial Phase #:31 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:32 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:34 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
***************** Catproc PLBs *****************
Serial Phase #:35 [CDB$ROOT] Files:293 Time: 42s
Serial Phase #:36 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:37 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:38 [CDB$ROOT] Files:6 Time: 9s
Restart Phase #:39 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
*************** Catproc DataPump ***************
Serial Phase #:40 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 58s
Restart Phase #:41 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 4s
****************** Catproc SQL *****************
Parallel Phase #:42 [CDB$ROOT] Files:13 Time: 121s
Restart Phase #:43 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:44 [CDB$ROOT] Files:11 Time: 16s
Restart Phase #:45 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:46 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 9s
Restart Phase #:47 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
************* Final Catproc scripts ************
Serial Phase #:48 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 12s
Restart Phase #:49 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
************** Final RDBMS scripts *************
Serial Phase #:50 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 9s
************ Upgrade Component Start ***********
Serial Phase #:51 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 7s
Restart Phase #:52 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
********** Upgrading Java and non-Java *********
Serial Phase #:53 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 324s
***************** Upgrading XDB ****************
Restart Phase #:54 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 4s
Serial Phase #:56 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 16s
Serial Phase #:57 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 10s
Parallel Phase #:58 [CDB$ROOT] Files:10 Time: 13s
Parallel Phase #:59 [CDB$ROOT] Files:25 Time: 16s
Serial Phase #:60 [CDB$ROOT] Files:4 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:61 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:62 [CDB$ROOT] Files:32 Time: 11s
Serial Phase #:63 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:64 [CDB$ROOT] Files:6 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:65 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 20s
Serial Phase #:66 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 29s
**************** Upgrading ORDIM ***************
Restart Phase #:67 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:69 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 9s
Parallel Phase #:70 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 42s
Restart Phase #:71 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 4s
Parallel Phase #:72 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 10s
Serial Phase #:73 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 8s
***************** Upgrading SDO ****************
Restart Phase #:74 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:76 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 40s
Serial Phase #:77 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 9s
Restart Phase #:78 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 3s
Serial Phase #:79 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 50s
Restart Phase #:80 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 3s
Parallel Phase #:81 [CDB$ROOT] Files:3 Time: 94s
Restart Phase #:82 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 3s
Serial Phase #:83 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 12s
Restart Phase #:84 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:85 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:86 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:87 [CDB$ROOT] Files:4 Time: 128s
Restart Phase #:88 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 4s
Serial Phase #:89 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:90 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 3s
Serial Phase #:91 [CDB$ROOT] Files:2 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:92 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:93 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:94 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 1s
******* Upgrading ODM, WK, EXF, RUL, XOQ *******
Serial Phase #:95 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 20s
Restart Phase #:96 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 0s
*********** Final Component scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:97 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 8s
************* Final Upgrade scripts ************
Serial Phase #:98 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 220s
******************* Migration ******************
Serial Phase #:99 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 6s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Pre-Shutdown ***
Serial Phase #:100 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 25s
Serial Phase #:101 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 5s
Serial Phase #:102 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 74s
***************** Post Upgrade *****************
Serial Phase #:103 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 26s
**************** Summary report ****************
Serial Phase #:104 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 8s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Post-Shutdown **
Serial Phase #:105 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 12s
Serial Phase #:106 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 5s
Serial Phase #:107 [CDB$ROOT] Files:1 Time: 44s

Phases [0-107] End Time:[2021_03_09 08:47:23]
Container Lists Inclusion:[CDB$ROOT] Exclusion:[NONE]

Start processing of PDBs (PDB$SEED)
[/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/perl/bin/perl /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/ -I -i pdb_seed -n 2 -c 'PDB$SEED' -l /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944 /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql]

Argument list for [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/]
For Oracle internal use only A = 0
Run in                       c = PDB$SEED
Do not run in                C = 0
Input Directory              d = 0
Echo OFF                     e = 1
Simulate                     E = 0
Forced cleanup               F = 0
Log Id                       i = pdb_seed
Child Process                I = 1
Log Dir                      l = /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944
Priority List Name           L = 0
Upgrade Mode active          M = 0
SQL Process Count            n = 2
SQL PDB Process Count        N = 0
Open Mode Normal             o = 0
Start Phase                  p = 0
End Phase                    P = 0
Reverse Order                r = 0
AutoUpgrade Resume           R = 0
Script                       s = 0
Serial Run                   S = 0
RO User Tablespaces          T = 0
Display Phases               y = 0
Debug              z = 0
Debug              Z = 0 VERSION: []
STATUS: [Production]

/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/orahome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/bin/orabasehome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
catctlGetOraBaseLogDir = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]

Analyzing file /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

Log file directory = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdpdb_seed_catcon_6730.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdpdb_seed*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdpdb_seed_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

Number of Cpus = 1
Database Name = EUROPE
DataBase Version =
Generated PDB Inclusion:[PDB$SEED]
CDB$ROOT Open Mode = [OPEN]
Components in [PDB$SEED]
Not Installed [APEX EM MGW ODM RAC WK]

Phases [0-107] Start Time:[2021_03_09 08:48:10]
Container Lists Inclusion:[PDB$SEED] Exclusion:[NONE]
*********** Executing Change Scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:0 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 42s
*************** Catalog Core SQL ***************
Serial Phase #:1 [PDB$SEED] Files:5 Time: 46s
Restart Phase #:2 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
*********** Catalog Tables and Views ***********
Parallel Phase #:3 [PDB$SEED] Files:19 Time: 31s
Restart Phase #:4 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
************* Catalog Final Scripts ************
Serial Phase #:5 [PDB$SEED] Files:7 Time: 25s
***************** Catproc Start ****************
Serial Phase #:6 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 16s
***************** Catproc Types ****************
Serial Phase #:7 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 18s
Restart Phase #:8 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
**************** Catproc Tables ****************
Parallel Phase #:9 [PDB$SEED] Files:67 Time: 42s
Restart Phase #:10 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
************* Catproc Package Specs ************
Serial Phase #:11 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 70s
Restart Phase #:12 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
************** Catproc Procedures **************
Parallel Phase #:13 [PDB$SEED] Files:94 Time: 16s
Restart Phase #:14 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Parallel Phase #:15 [PDB$SEED] Files:120 Time: 37s
Restart Phase #:16 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:17 [PDB$SEED] Files:22 Time: 11s
Restart Phase #:18 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
***************** Catproc Views ****************
Parallel Phase #:19 [PDB$SEED] Files:32 Time: 33s
Restart Phase #:20 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:21 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 15s
Restart Phase #:22 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:23 [PDB$SEED] Files:25 Time: 358s
Restart Phase #:24 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Parallel Phase #:25 [PDB$SEED] Files:12 Time: 110s
Restart Phase #:26 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:27 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:28 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 19s
Serial Phase #:29 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:30 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
*************** Catproc CDB Views **************
Serial Phase #:31 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:32 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:34 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
***************** Catproc PLBs *****************
Serial Phase #:35 [PDB$SEED] Files:293 Time: 94s
Serial Phase #:36 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:37 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:38 [PDB$SEED] Files:6 Time: 10s
Restart Phase #:39 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
*************** Catproc DataPump ***************
Serial Phase #:40 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 41s
Restart Phase #:41 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
****************** Catproc SQL *****************
Parallel Phase #:42 [PDB$SEED] Files:13 Time: 128s
Restart Phase #:43 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:44 [PDB$SEED] Files:11 Time: 12s
Restart Phase #:45 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:46 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:47 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
************* Final Catproc scripts ************
Serial Phase #:48 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:49 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
************** Final RDBMS scripts *************
Serial Phase #:50 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 9s
************ Upgrade Component Start ***********
Serial Phase #:51 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 7s
Restart Phase #:52 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
********** Upgrading Java and non-Java *********
Serial Phase #:53 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 220s
***************** Upgrading XDB ****************
Restart Phase #:54 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:56 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:57 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 9s
Parallel Phase #:58 [PDB$SEED] Files:10 Time: 11s
Parallel Phase #:59 [PDB$SEED] Files:25 Time: 13s
Serial Phase #:60 [PDB$SEED] Files:4 Time: 15s
Serial Phase #:61 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:62 [PDB$SEED] Files:32 Time: 15s
Serial Phase #:63 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:64 [PDB$SEED] Files:6 Time: 13s
Serial Phase #:65 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 21s
Serial Phase #:66 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 28s
**************** Upgrading ORDIM ***************
Restart Phase #:67 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:69 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 9s
Parallel Phase #:70 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 18s
Restart Phase #:71 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:72 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 10s
Serial Phase #:73 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 8s
***************** Upgrading SDO ****************
Restart Phase #:74 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:76 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 39s
Serial Phase #:77 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 10s
Restart Phase #:78 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:79 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 12s
Restart Phase #:80 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:81 [PDB$SEED] Files:3 Time: 73s
Restart Phase #:82 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:83 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 13s
Restart Phase #:84 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:85 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:86 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:87 [PDB$SEED] Files:4 Time: 121s
Restart Phase #:88 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:89 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 9s
Restart Phase #:90 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:91 [PDB$SEED] Files:2 Time: 23s
Restart Phase #:92 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:93 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:94 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
******* Upgrading ODM, WK, EXF, RUL, XOQ *******
Serial Phase #:95 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 15s
Restart Phase #:96 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 1s
*********** Final Component scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:97 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 7s
************* Final Upgrade scripts ************
Serial Phase #:98 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 130s
******************* Migration ******************
Serial Phase #:99 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 6s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Pre-Shutdown ***
Serial Phase #:100 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 7s
Serial Phase #:101 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 30s
Serial Phase #:102 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 7s
***************** Post Upgrade *****************
Serial Phase #:103 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 321s
**************** Summary report ****************
Serial Phase #:104 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 7s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Post-Shutdown **
Serial Phase #:105 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 6s
Serial Phase #:106 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 12s
Serial Phase #:107 [PDB$SEED] Files:1 Time: 0s

Phases [0-107] End Time:[2021_03_09 09:30:19]
Container Lists Inclusion:[PDB$SEED] Exclusion:[NONE]

Grand Total Time: 2534s [PDB$SEED]

LOG FILES: (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdpdb_seed*.log)

Upgrade Summary Report Located in:

Start processing of PDBs (ARGENTINA)
[/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/perl/bin/perl /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/ -I -i argentina -n 2 -c 'ARGENTINA' -l /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944 /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql]

Argument list for [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/]
For Oracle internal use only A = 0
Run in                       c = ARGENTINA
Do not run in                C = 0
Input Directory              d = 0
Echo OFF                     e = 1
Simulate                     E = 0
Forced cleanup               F = 0
Log Id                       i = argentina
Child Process                I = 1
Log Dir                      l = /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944
Priority List Name           L = 0
Upgrade Mode active          M = 0
SQL Process Count            n = 2
SQL PDB Process Count        N = 0
Open Mode Normal             o = 0
Start Phase                  p = 0
End Phase                    P = 0
Reverse Order                r = 0
AutoUpgrade Resume           R = 0
Script                       s = 0
Serial Run                   S = 0
RO User Tablespaces          T = 0
Display Phases               y = 0
Debug              z = 0
Debug              Z = 0 VERSION: []
STATUS: [Production]

/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/orahome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/bin/orabasehome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
catctlGetOraBaseLogDir = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]

Analyzing file /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

Log file directory = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdargentina_catcon_12866.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdargentina*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdargentina_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

Number of Cpus = 1
Database Name = EUROPE
DataBase Version =
Generated PDB Inclusion:[ARGENTINA]
CDB$ROOT Open Mode = [OPEN]
Components in [ARGENTINA]
Not Installed [APEX EM MGW ODM RAC WK]

Phases [0-107] Start Time:[2021_03_09 09:31:06]
Container Lists Inclusion:[ARGENTINA] Exclusion:[NONE]
*********** Executing Change Scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:0 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 41s
*************** Catalog Core SQL ***************
Serial Phase #:1 [ARGENTINA] Files:5 Time: 48s
Restart Phase #:2 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
*********** Catalog Tables and Views ***********
Parallel Phase #:3 [ARGENTINA] Files:19 Time: 29s
Restart Phase #:4 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
************* Catalog Final Scripts ************
Serial Phase #:5 [ARGENTINA] Files:7 Time: 22s
***************** Catproc Start ****************
Serial Phase #:6 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 14s
***************** Catproc Types ****************
Serial Phase #:7 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:8 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
**************** Catproc Tables ****************
Parallel Phase #:9 [ARGENTINA] Files:67 Time: 44s
Restart Phase #:10 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
************* Catproc Package Specs ************
Serial Phase #:11 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 66s
Restart Phase #:12 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
************** Catproc Procedures **************
Parallel Phase #:13 [ARGENTINA] Files:94 Time: 15s
Restart Phase #:14 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:15 [ARGENTINA] Files:120 Time: 19s
Restart Phase #:16 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:17 [ARGENTINA] Files:22 Time: 7s
Restart Phase #:18 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
***************** Catproc Views ****************
Parallel Phase #:19 [ARGENTINA] Files:32 Time: 28s
Restart Phase #:20 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:21 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 15s
Restart Phase #:22 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
Parallel Phase #:23 [ARGENTINA] Files:25 Time: 185s
Restart Phase #:24 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
Parallel Phase #:25 [ARGENTINA] Files:12 Time: 107s
Restart Phase #:26 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:27 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:28 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 9s
Serial Phase #:29 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:30 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
*************** Catproc CDB Views **************
Serial Phase #:31 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 7s
Restart Phase #:32 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:34 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
***************** Catproc PLBs *****************
Serial Phase #:35 [ARGENTINA] Files:293 Time: 26s
Serial Phase #:36 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:37 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:38 [ARGENTINA] Files:6 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:39 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
*************** Catproc DataPump ***************
Serial Phase #:40 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 40s
Restart Phase #:41 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
****************** Catproc SQL *****************
Parallel Phase #:42 [ARGENTINA] Files:13 Time: 119s
Restart Phase #:43 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:44 [ARGENTINA] Files:11 Time: 12s
Restart Phase #:45 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:46 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:47 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
************* Final Catproc scripts ************
Serial Phase #:48 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 17s
Restart Phase #:49 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
************** Final RDBMS scripts *************
Serial Phase #:50 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 9s
************ Upgrade Component Start ***********
Serial Phase #:51 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:52 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
********** Upgrading Java and non-Java *********
Serial Phase #:53 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 206s
***************** Upgrading XDB ****************
Restart Phase #:54 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:56 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 12s
Serial Phase #:57 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 10s
Parallel Phase #:58 [ARGENTINA] Files:10 Time: 10s
Parallel Phase #:59 [ARGENTINA] Files:25 Time: 13s
Serial Phase #:60 [ARGENTINA] Files:4 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:61 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:62 [ARGENTINA] Files:32 Time: 10s
Serial Phase #:63 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:64 [ARGENTINA] Files:6 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:65 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 21s
Serial Phase #:66 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 28s
**************** Upgrading ORDIM ***************
Restart Phase #:67 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:69 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 9s
Parallel Phase #:70 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:71 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
Parallel Phase #:72 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 10s
Serial Phase #:73 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 8s
***************** Upgrading SDO ****************
Restart Phase #:74 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:76 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 37s
Serial Phase #:77 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 9s
Restart Phase #:78 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:79 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 11s
Restart Phase #:80 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:81 [ARGENTINA] Files:3 Time: 60s
Restart Phase #:82 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:83 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 11s
Restart Phase #:84 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:85 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 13s
Restart Phase #:86 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:87 [ARGENTINA] Files:4 Time: 80s
Restart Phase #:88 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:89 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:90 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:91 [ARGENTINA] Files:2 Time: 20s
Restart Phase #:92 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:93 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:94 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 1s
******* Upgrading ODM, WK, EXF, RUL, XOQ *******
Serial Phase #:95 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:96 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 2s
*********** Final Component scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:97 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 7s
************* Final Upgrade scripts ************
Serial Phase #:98 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 122s
******************* Migration ******************
Serial Phase #:99 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 7s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Pre-Shutdown ***
Serial Phase #:100 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 6s
Serial Phase #:101 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 35s
Serial Phase #:102 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 6s
***************** Post Upgrade *****************
Serial Phase #:103 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 18s
**************** Summary report ****************
Serial Phase #:104 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 6s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Post-Shutdown **
Serial Phase #:105 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 7s
Serial Phase #:106 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 4s
Serial Phase #:107 [ARGENTINA] Files:1 Time: 0s

Phases [0-107] End Time:[2021_03_09 10:01:28]
Container Lists Inclusion:[ARGENTINA] Exclusion:[NONE]

Grand Total Time: 1822s [ARGENTINA]

LOG FILES: (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdargentina*.log)

Upgrade Summary Report Located in:

Start processing of PDBs (BRAZIL)
[/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/perl/bin/perl /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/ -I -i brazil -n 2 -c 'BRAZIL' -l /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944 /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql]

Argument list for [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/]
For Oracle internal use only A = 0
Run in                       c = BRAZIL
Do not run in                C = 0
Input Directory              d = 0
Echo OFF                     e = 1
Simulate                     E = 0
Forced cleanup               F = 0
Log Id                       i = brazil
Child Process                I = 1
Log Dir                      l = /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944
Priority List Name           L = 0
Upgrade Mode active          M = 0
SQL Process Count            n = 2
SQL PDB Process Count        N = 0
Open Mode Normal             o = 0
Start Phase                  p = 0
End Phase                    P = 0
Reverse Order                r = 0
AutoUpgrade Resume           R = 0
Script                       s = 0
Serial Run                   S = 0
RO User Tablespaces          T = 0
Display Phases               y = 0
Debug              z = 0
Debug              Z = 0 VERSION: []
STATUS: [Production]

/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/orahome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/bin/orabasehome = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]
catctlGetOraBaseLogDir = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1]

Analyzing file /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

Log file directory = [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdbrazil_catcon_18583.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdbrazil*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdbrazil_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

Number of Cpus = 1
Database Name = EUROPE
DataBase Version =
Generated PDB Inclusion:[BRAZIL]
CDB$ROOT Open Mode = [OPEN]
Components in [BRAZIL]
Not Installed [APEX EM MGW ODM RAC WK]

Phases [0-107] Start Time:[2021_03_09 10:02:11]
Container Lists Inclusion:[BRAZIL] Exclusion:[NONE]
*********** Executing Change Scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:0 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 41s
*************** Catalog Core SQL ***************
Serial Phase #:1 [BRAZIL] Files:5 Time: 47s
Restart Phase #:2 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
*********** Catalog Tables and Views ***********
Parallel Phase #:3 [BRAZIL] Files:19 Time: 30s
Restart Phase #:4 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
************* Catalog Final Scripts ************
Serial Phase #:5 [BRAZIL] Files:7 Time: 26s
***************** Catproc Start ****************
Serial Phase #:6 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 14s
***************** Catproc Types ****************
Serial Phase #:7 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:8 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
**************** Catproc Tables ****************
Parallel Phase #:9 [BRAZIL] Files:67 Time: 43s
Restart Phase #:10 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
************* Catproc Package Specs ************
Serial Phase #:11 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 63s
Restart Phase #:12 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
************** Catproc Procedures **************
Parallel Phase #:13 [BRAZIL] Files:94 Time: 15s
Restart Phase #:14 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:15 [BRAZIL] Files:120 Time: 19s
Restart Phase #:16 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:17 [BRAZIL] Files:22 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:18 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
***************** Catproc Views ****************
Parallel Phase #:19 [BRAZIL] Files:32 Time: 28s
Restart Phase #:20 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:21 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 15s
Restart Phase #:22 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:23 [BRAZIL] Files:25 Time: 187s
Restart Phase #:24 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:25 [BRAZIL] Files:12 Time: 108s
Restart Phase #:26 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:27 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:28 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 8s
Serial Phase #:29 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:30 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
*************** Catproc CDB Views **************
Serial Phase #:31 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:32 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:34 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
***************** Catproc PLBs *****************
Serial Phase #:35 [BRAZIL] Files:293 Time: 24s
Serial Phase #:36 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Restart Phase #:37 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:38 [BRAZIL] Files:6 Time: 7s
Restart Phase #:39 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
*************** Catproc DataPump ***************
Serial Phase #:40 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 39s
Restart Phase #:41 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
****************** Catproc SQL *****************
Parallel Phase #:42 [BRAZIL] Files:13 Time: 122s
Restart Phase #:43 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:44 [BRAZIL] Files:11 Time: 11s
Restart Phase #:45 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:46 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 8s
Restart Phase #:47 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
************* Final Catproc scripts ************
Serial Phase #:48 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 13s
Restart Phase #:49 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
************** Final RDBMS scripts *************
Serial Phase #:50 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 9s
************ Upgrade Component Start ***********
Serial Phase #:51 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 6s
Restart Phase #:52 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
********** Upgrading Java and non-Java *********
Serial Phase #:53 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 11788s
***************** Upgrading XDB ****************
Restart Phase #:54 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:56 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:57 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 9s
Parallel Phase #:58 [BRAZIL] Files:10 Time: 11s
Parallel Phase #:59 [BRAZIL] Files:25 Time: 12s
Serial Phase #:60 [BRAZIL] Files:4 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:61 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:62 [BRAZIL] Files:32 Time: 11s
Serial Phase #:63 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Parallel Phase #:64 [BRAZIL] Files:6 Time: 14s
Serial Phase #:65 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 21s
Serial Phase #:66 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 26s
**************** Upgrading ORDIM ***************
Restart Phase #:67 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:69 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 9s
Parallel Phase #:70 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 14s
Restart Phase #:71 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 3s
Parallel Phase #:72 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 9s
Serial Phase #:73 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 9s
***************** Upgrading SDO ****************
Restart Phase #:74 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:76 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 36s
Serial Phase #:77 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 10s
Restart Phase #:78 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:79 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 11s
Restart Phase #:80 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:81 [BRAZIL] Files:3 Time: 69s
Restart Phase #:82 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 2s
Serial Phase #:83 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 11s
Restart Phase #:84 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:85 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 13s
Restart Phase #:86 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Parallel Phase #:87 [BRAZIL] Files:4 Time: 81s
Restart Phase #:88 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:89 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 9s
Restart Phase #:90 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
Serial Phase #:91 [BRAZIL] Files:2 Time: 21s
Restart Phase #:92 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 1s
Serial Phase #:93 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 7s
Restart Phase #:94 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
******* Upgrading ODM, WK, EXF, RUL, XOQ *******
Serial Phase #:95 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 16s
Restart Phase #:96 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s
*********** Final Component scripts ***********
Serial Phase #:97 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 8s
************* Final Upgrade scripts ************
Serial Phase #:98 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 126s
******************* Migration ******************
Serial Phase #:99 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 7s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Pre-Shutdown ***
Serial Phase #:100 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 6s
Serial Phase #:101 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 36s
Serial Phase #:102 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 6s
***************** Post Upgrade *****************
Serial Phase #:103 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 18s
**************** Summary report ****************
Serial Phase #:104 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 7s
*** End PDB Application Upgrade Post-Shutdown **
Serial Phase #:105 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 6s
Serial Phase #:106 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 4s
Serial Phase #:107 [BRAZIL] Files:1 Time: 0s

Phases [0-107] End Time:[2021_03_09 13:45:51]
Container Lists Inclusion:[BRAZIL] Exclusion:[NONE]

Grand Total Time: 13420s [BRAZIL]

LOG FILES: (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdbrazil*.log)

Upgrade Summary Report Located in:

Time: 2832s For CDB$ROOT
Time: 17912s For PDB(s)

Grand Total Time: 20744s

LOG FILES: (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/EUROPE/upgrade20210309075944/catupgrdcdbroot*.log)
Upgrade Summary Report Located in:

Grand Total Upgrade Time: [0d:5h:45m:44s]

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19c database upgrade









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19c database upgrade

Upgrading a CDB & PDB from 12c to 19c using Manual Upgrade

In this article we are going to see how to upgrade a oracle 12c container database from 12c to 19c using manual upgrade method.

Here we are going to proceed with the same steps as we followed while upgrading a non container database from oracle 12c to 19c.

In my environment I am having one container database and two pluggable database in it. Overview Steps:  

Step:1 Create a new directory called backup, Take, Take backup of listener.ora, tnsnames.ora files ,then move all the files to the newly created directory called backup.

Step:2 Create a new directories called upgrade, while upgrade, Run the preupgrade.jar file which is in  the location. Move the summary of the preupgrade script to the upgrade directory.

/home/oracle/u03/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/db_1/jdk/bin/java -jar 

Step:3 Three files named preupgrade.log, preupgrade_fixups.sql, postupgrade_fixups.sql files     will be created after running the preupgrade script.

Step:4 We should execute the below scripts,

 Before upgrade – @/u01/preupgrade/preupgrade_fixups.sql

After upgrade    – @/u01/preupgrade/postupgrade_fixups.sql

Step:5 Then check the preupgrade.log whether it is completed without any errors.

Step:6 Verify the tablespace sizes for upgrade.(enable the AUTO EXTENT ON and set the maximum size for tablespaces)

Step:7 Gather the dictionary statistics query to get the statistical data of fixed objects. we   should gather dictionary statistics  before and after the upgrade to maintain better database     performance. Because dictionary tables are modified and created during the upgrade.

Step:8 Purge the recyclebin

Step:9 Refresh all the materialized views before upgrade.

Step:10 Run preupgrade_fixups.sql (/u01/upgrade/preupgrade_fixups.sql) before the upgrade.

 Step:11 You should enable the archive log list, it is mandatory to perform an upgrade.

Step:12 Create the flashback restore point before performing upgrade, it is important suppose if dbupgrade fails you can recover the database from this restore point.

Step:13 Set the db_recovery_file_dest_size=10GB


After we have completed all our pre-upgrade steps,

Step:14 shut down the database, copy the spfile, password files from 12c home to 19c home.

Step:15 startup the database in upgrade mode from 19c home.

Step:16 Run the upgrade, $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbupgrade file. Here starts the manual upgrade process.


Step:17 Run to start utlrp.sql to recompile the invalid objects.

Step:18 Then check for any invalid objects in the database after upgrade.

Step:19 Verify the timezone version of the upgraded database.(it should be changed to 32),for     that run utlusts.sql script.

 Step:20 We have to verify the DBA_REGISTRY view, it displays the information about the     components  loaded in the database.

Step:21 Now we can drop the restore point that we have created already before the upgrade.

Step:22 Update the compatible parameter value, it will be set in the base database version we have to update the upgraded database version in the compatible parameter value.

Step:23 Finally check the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files  it should be updated to a upgraded database version.


Step: 1 Create directory backup, upgrade for taking backup of listener.ora , tnsnames.ora and running the preupgrade.jar files respectively.

Backup TNS Files listener spfile and passwordfile.

[oracle@localhost ~]$ mkdir -p /u01/backup
[oracle@localhost u01]$ cd backup/
[oracle@orcldbs backup]$ ll
total 20
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 343 Mar 09 03:32 listener21013011PM3657.bak
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 555 Mar 09 03:32 listener.ora
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 191 Mar 09 03:32 sqlnet21013011PM3657.bak
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 191 Mar 09 03:32 sqlnet.ora
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 614 Mar 09 03:32 tnsnames.ora
[oracle@orcldbs backup]$

Step:2 Login to the database &  Run the preupgrade_fixups.sql

Step:3 Gather the dictionary statistics it should be gathered before and after performing the upgrade.

Step:4 Purge the  Recyclebin, it gains some storage space and on other hand we have chosen the recovery options.

Step:5 Before upgrading Oracle Database, you must wait until all materialized views have completed refreshing. 

Step:6 Verify archive log mode and enable it ,if not


Step:7 Create Flashback Guaranteed Restore Point in the name pre_upgrade.

Step:8 Copy init and password files from 12c home  to 19c  home.


Report generated by Oracle Database Pre-Upgrade Information Tool Version Build: 1 on 2021-03-09T05:41:20

Upgrade-To version:

Status of the database prior to upgrade
Database Name: EUROPE
Container Name: CDB$ROOT
Container ID: 1
DB Patch Level: No Patch Bundle applied
Compatible: 12.2.0
Blocksize: 8192
Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Timezone File: 26
Database log mode: NOARCHIVELOG
Readonly: FALSE
Edition: EE

to read more lines click here.(preupgrade_CDB_ROOT.log)


Report generated by Oracle Database Pre-Upgrade Information Tool Version Build: 1 on 2021-03-09T05:41:43

Upgrade-To version:

Status of the database prior to upgrade
Database Name: EUROPE
Container Name: PDB$SEED
Container ID: 2
DB Patch Level: No Patch Bundle applied
Compatible: 12.2.0
Blocksize: 8192
Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Timezone File: 26
Database log mode: NOARCHIVELOG
Readonly: TRUE
Edition: EE

For more information click here.(preupgrade_PDB_SEED.log)


Report generated by Oracle Database Pre-Upgrade Information Tool Version Build: 1 on 2021-03-09T05:41:43

Upgrade-To version:

Status of the database prior to upgrade
Database Name: EUROPE
Container Name: ARGENTINA
Container ID: 3
DB Patch Level: No Patch Bundle applied
Compatible: 12.2.0
Blocksize: 8192
Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Timezone File: 26
Database log mode: NOARCHIVELOG
Readonly: FALSE
Edition: EE

Click here to view more lines.(preupgrade_ARGENTINA.log)


Report generated by Oracle Database Pre-Upgrade Information Tool Version Build: 1 on 2021-03-09T05:42:09

Upgrade-To version:

Status of the database prior to upgrade
Database Name: EUROPE
Container Name: BRAZIL
Container ID: 4
DB Patch Level: No Patch Bundle applied
Compatible: 12.2.0
Blocksize: 8192
Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Timezone File: 26
Database log mode: NOARCHIVELOG
Readonly: FALSE
Edition: EE

To view the entire log file, click here.(preupgrade_BRAZIL.log)

For detailed information click here to view the preupgrade.log


Step:9 Startup the database in Upgrade mode from 19c home, Run dbupgrade, $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbupgrade file. Here starts the manual upgrade process. 

To view the complete database upgrade process, click here.

[oracle@localhost ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
[oracle@localhost admin]$ pwd
[oracle@localhost admin]$ mkdir -p /u01/whileupgrade
[oracle@localhost admin]$  nohup /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/perl/bin/perl -l /u01/whileupgrade -n 4 catupgrd.sql &
[1] 24608

[oracle@orcldbs admin]$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’
Start of Summary Report
Oracle Database Release 19 Post-Upgrade Status Tool    03-09-2021 06:06:0
Database Name: EUROPE
Component                               Current         Full     Elapsed Time
Name                                    Status          Version  HH:MM:SS
Oracle Server                          UPGRADED  00:18:34
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine           UPGRADED  00:01:34
Oracle XDK                             UPGRADED  00:00:47
Oracle Database Java Packages          UPGRADED  00:00:13
OLAP Analytic Workspace                UPGRADED  00:00:12
Oracle Label Security                  UPGRADED  00:00:06
Oracle Database Vault                  UPGRADED  00:00:20
Oracle Text                            UPGRADED  00:00:31
Oracle Workspace Manager               UPGRADED  00:00:27
Oracle Real Application Clusters       UPGRADED  00:00:00
Oracle XML Database                    UPGRADED  00:01:31
Oracle Multimedia                      UPGRADED  00:00:47
Spatial                                UPGRADED  00:05:33
Oracle OLAP API                        UPGRADED  00:00:10
Datapatch                                                        00:03:27
Final Actions                                                    00:03:35
Post Upgrade                                                     00:00:17

Total Upgrade Time: 01:55:38

Database upgrade completed.

Step:10 Startup DB from 19c home.


Step:-11 Run is used used to execute the command in all PDBs and CDB database)  to start utlrp.sql to recompile invalid objects.

SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

Session altered.

COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_BGN                   2021-03-09 06:30:35

DOC>   The following PL/SQL block invokes UTL_RECOMP to recompile invalid
DOC>   objects in the database. Recompilation time is proportional to the
DOC>   number of invalid objects in the database, so this command may take
DOC>   a long time to execute on a database with a large number of invalid
DOC>   objects.
DOC>   Use the following queries to track recompilation progress:
DOC>   1. Query returning the number of invalid objects remaining. This
DOC>      number should decrease with time.
DOC>         SELECT COUNT(*) FROM obj$ WHERE status IN (4, 5, 6);
DOC>   2. Query returning the number of objects compiled so far. This number
DOC>      should increase with time.
DOC>   This script automatically chooses serial or parallel recompilation
DOC>   based on the number of CPUs available (parameter cpu_count) multiplied
DOC>   by the number of threads per CPU (parameter parallel_threads_per_cpu).
DOC>   On RAC, this number is added across all RAC nodes.
DOC>   UTL_RECOMP uses DBMS_SCHEDULER to create jobs for parallel
DOC>   recompilation. Jobs are created without instance affinity so that they
DOC>   can migrate across RAC nodes. Use the following queries to verify
DOC>   whether UTL_RECOMP jobs are being created and run correctly:
DOC>   1. Query showing jobs created by UTL_RECOMP
DOC>         SELECT job_name FROM dba_scheduler_jobs
DOC>                    WHERE job_name like 'UTL_RECOMP_SLAVE_%';
DOC>   2. Query showing UTL_RECOMP jobs that are running
DOC>         SELECT job_name FROM dba_scheduler_running_jobs
DOC>                    WHERE job_name like 'UTL_RECOMP_SLAVE_%';

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_END                    2021-03-09 06:34:29

DOC> The following query reports the number of invalid objects.
DOC> If the number is higher than expected, please examine the error
DOC> messages reported with each object (using SHOW ERRORS) to see if they
DOC> point to system misconfiguration or resource constraints that must be
DOC> fixed before attempting to recompile these objects.

DOC> The following query reports the number of exceptions caught during
DOC> recompilation. If this number is non-zero, please query the error
DOC> messages in the table UTL_RECOMP_ERRORS to see if any of these errors
DOC> are due to misconfiguration or resource constraints that must be
DOC> fixed before objects can compile successfully.
DOC> Note: Typical compilation errors (due to coding errors) are not
DOC>       logged into this table: they go into DBA_ERRORS instead.

Function created.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Function dropped.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Step:12 Upgrade the time zone by running the following scripts,

First Script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utltz_upg_check.sql 

Second Script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/ utltz_upg_apply.sql 

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utltz_upg_check.sql

Session altered.

INFO: Starting with RDBMS DST update preparation.
INFO: NO actual RDBMS DST update will be done by this script.
INFO: If an ERROR occurs the script will EXIT sqlplus.
INFO: Doing checks for known issues ...
INFO: Database version is .
INFO: This database is a Multitenant database.
INFO: Current container is CDB$ROOT .
INFO: Updating the RDBMS DST version of the CDB / CDB$ROOT database
INFO: will NOT update the RDBMS DST version of PDB databases in this CDB.
INFO: There are no open PDBs .
INFO: Database RDBMS DST version is DSTv26 .
INFO: No known issues detected.
INFO: Now detecting new RDBMS DST version.
A prepare window has been successfully started.
INFO: Newest RDBMS DST version detected is DSTv32 .
INFO: Next step is checking all TSTZ data.
INFO: It might take a while before any further output is seen …
A prepare window has been successfully ended.
INFO: A newer RDBMS DST version than the one currently used is found.
INFO: Note that NO DST update was yet done.
INFO: Now run utltz_upg_apply.sql to do the actual RDBMS DST update.
INFO: Note that the utltz_upg_apply.sql script will
INFO: restart the database 2 times WITHOUT any confirmation or prompt.

Session altered.

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utltz_upg_apply.sql

Session altered.

INFO: If an ERROR occurs, the script will EXIT SQL*Plus.
INFO: The database RDBMS DST version will be updated to DSTv32 .
INFO: This database is a Multitenant database.
INFO: Current container is CDB$ROOT .
INFO: Updating the RDBMS DST version of the CDB / CDB$ROOT database
INFO: will NOT update the RDBMS DST version of PDB databases in this CDB.
INFO: There are no open PDBs .
WARNING: This script will restart the database 2 times
WARNING: WITHOUT asking ANY confirmation.
WARNING: Hit control-c NOW if this is not intended.
INFO: Restarting the database in UPGRADE mode to start the DST upgrade.
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area     2432695832 bytes
Fixed Size                      9137688 bytes
Variable Size                 654311424 bytes
Database Buffers             1761607680 bytes
Redo Buffers                    7639040 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
INFO: Starting the RDBMS DST upgrade.
INFO: Upgrading all SYS owned TSTZ data.
INFO: It might take time before any further output is seen …
An upgrade window has been successfully started.
INFO: Restarting the database in NORMAL mode to upgrade non-SYS TSTZ data.
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area     2432695832 bytes
Fixed Size                      9137688 bytes
Variable Size                 654311424 bytes
Database Buffers             1761607680 bytes
Redo Buffers                    7639040 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
INFO: Upgrading all non-SYS TSTZ data.
INFO: It might take time before any further output is seen …
INFO: Do NOT start any application yet that uses TSTZ data!
INFO: Next is a list of all upgraded tables:
Number of failures: 0
Number of failures: 0
Number of failures: 0
Number of failures: 0
Table list: "DVSYS"."AUDIT_TRAIL$"
Number of failures: 0
INFO: Total failures during update of TSTZ data: 0 .
An upgrade window has been successfully ended.
INFO: Your new Server RDBMS DST version is DSTv32 .
INFO: The RDBMS DST update is successfully finished.
INFO: Make sure to exit this SQL*Plus session.
INFO: Do not use it for timezone related selects.

Session altered.

Step:13 Run utlusts.sql ,this script reads the view dba_registry_log and displays the upgrade results for the database components.

Step:14 Drop Restore point as we have successfully completed the manual upgradation.

SQL> drop restore point PRE_UPGRADE;

Restore point dropped.

Step:15 Set COMPATIBALE parameter value to 19.0.0 from 12.2.0

Step:16 Verify DBA_REGISTRY 

Step:17 Add TNS Entries in 19c TNS home 

[oracle@localhost admin]$ lsnrctl start
LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 09-MAR-2021 07:56:41
Copyright (c) 1991, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/orcldbs/listener/alert/log.xml

Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                09-MAR-2021 07:56:41
Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
SNMP                      OFF

Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/orcldbs/listener/alert/log.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...

Services Summary...

Service "europe" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "europe", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully
[oracle@orcldbs admin]$ lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 09-MAR-2021 07:56:50
Copyright (c) 1991, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                09-MAR-2021 07:56:41
Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 9 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
SNMP                      OFF
Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/orcldbs/listener/alert/log.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "europe" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "europe", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

Step:18 Edit oratab,Put an entry of current database in the vi /etc/oratab file.

[oracle@localhost admin]$ cat /etc/oratab | grep -i europe
[oracle@localhost admin]$ cat /etc/oratab | grep -i europe

In this document, We have seen how to upgrade an oracle 12c container database to 19c using Manual upgrade technique.

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.
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Report generated by Oracle Database Pre-Upgrade Information Tool Version Build: 1 on 2021-03-09T05:41:43

Upgrade-To version:

Status of the database prior to upgrade
Database Name: EUROPE
Container Name: ARGENTINA
Container ID: 3
DB Patch Level: No Patch Bundle applied
Compatible: 12.2.0
Blocksize: 8192
Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Timezone File: 26
Database log mode: NOARCHIVELOG
Readonly: FALSE
Edition: EE

Oracle Component Upgrade Action Current Status
---------------- -------------- --------------
Oracle Server [to be upgraded] VALID 
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle XDK for Java [to be upgraded] VALID 
Real Application Clusters [to be upgraded] OPTION OFF 
Oracle Workspace Manager [to be upgraded] VALID 
OLAP Analytic Workspace [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle Label Security [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle Database Vault [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle Text [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle XML Database [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle Java Packages [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle Multimedia [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle Spatial [to be upgraded] VALID 
Oracle OLAP API [to be upgraded] VALID



1. (AUTOFIXUP) Gather stale data dictionary statistics prior to database
upgrade in off-peak time using:


Dictionary statistics do not exist or are stale (not up-to-date).

Dictionary statistics help the Oracle optimizer find efficient SQL
execution plans and are essential for proper upgrade timing. Oracle
recommends gathering dictionary statistics in the last 24 hours before
database upgrade.

For information on managing optimizer statistics, refer to the
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide.

2. (AUTOFIXUP) Gather statistics on fixed objects prior the upgrade.

None of the fixed object tables have had stats collected.

Gathering statistics on fixed objects, if none have been gathered yet, is
recommended prior to upgrading.

For information on managing optimizer statistics, refer to the
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide.

3. To help you keep track of your tablespace allocations, the following
AUTOEXTEND tablespaces are expected to successfully EXTEND during the
upgrade process.

Min Size
Tablespace Size For Upgrade
---------- ---------- -----------
SYSAUX 350 MB 500 MB
SYSTEM 250 MB 360 MB
TEMP 64 MB 150 MB
UNDOTBS1 100 MB 439 MB

Minimum tablespace sizes for upgrade are estimates.

All of the issues in database EUROPE container ARGENTINA
which are identified above as BEFORE UPGRADE "(AUTOFIXUP)" can be resolved by
executing the following from within the container




4. Upgrade the database time zone file using the DBMS_DST package.

The database is using time zone file version 26 and the target 19 release
ships with time zone file version 32.

Oracle recommends upgrading to the desired (latest) version of the time
zone file. For more information, refer to "Upgrading the Time Zone File
and Timestamp with Time Zone Data" in the 19 Oracle Database
Globalization Support Guide.

5. To identify directory objects with symbolic links in the path name, run
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utldirsymlink.sql AS SYSDBA after upgrade.
Recreate any directory objects listed, using path names that contain no
symbolic links.

Some directory object path names may currently contain symbolic links.

Starting in Release 18c, symbolic links are not allowed in directory
object path names used with BFILE data types, the UTL_FILE package, or
external tables.

6. (AUTOFIXUP) Gather dictionary statistics after the upgrade using the


Oracle recommends gathering dictionary statistics after upgrade.

Dictionary statistics provide essential information to the Oracle
optimizer to help it find efficient SQL execution plans. After a database
upgrade, statistics need to be re-gathered as there can now be tables
that have significantly changed during the upgrade or new tables that do
not have statistics gathered yet.

7. Gather statistics on fixed objects after the upgrade and when there is a
representative workload on the system using the command:


This recommendation is given for all preupgrade runs.

Fixed object statistics provide essential information to the Oracle
optimizer to help it find efficient SQL execution plans. Those
statistics are specific to the Oracle Database release that generates
them, and can be stale upon database upgrade.

For information on managing optimizer statistics, refer to the
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide.

All of the issues in database EUROPE container ARGENTINA
which are identified above as AFTER UPGRADE "(AUTOFIXUP)" can be resolved by
executing the following from within the container


Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.
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